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Man...1 week seems like just a day, 1 month is like a week and 1 year is as long as a month...Yes, it is true when you waste time. Time is like money and when you waste it too much, you'll realise that you don't have any left. It won't come back to you no matter how much you need it.I've been wasting too much of my time and it's just too late to regret. I am behind everyone, like a champion who was eliminated all by himself. I miss the time when I was one of the best in PU1F, and then I look at myself now. It's a total difference, I changed, everything changed. Everyone looks down on me like I'm a loser, and indeed I am. What have I learnt for this year? Not much. Even Grant lost his confidence in me, in his eyes I'm just rubbish. He has to see the one who helped him last year going downhill like never before, he would just look at me, shake his head and laugh...The Viet peeps used to praise me a lot on my achievements, now they know they loved the wrong person. I've disappointed all of them, what a disgrace...Do I have to mention about Mdm Teo and Ms Dini again? Their hope has been all in vain.There're no excuses for what I've done. They're all my fault and I'll take the responsibilities. I don't care if I fail for this year, but I'm sure that I'll put all my effort in this last term. Tomorrow I'll have my first paper - Calculus. I don't think that I can do well...but I HAVE TO DO WELL!I'm climbing a mountain, just a small mistake and I may fall down. But if I had to fall until where I started, I would get up and climb again...until I reach the top of that mountain. If I work hard enough, it'll never be too little, it'll never be too late.I'll find the real Viet again.*God bless*
# posted by
Viet @ 8:22 PM
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Viet here!!!
My family, my teachers, Murdoc, Jon, Angie, YZ, Grant and PU2F
i like music, friends, family...blah blah blah
i hate blah blah blah
i want to pass my final TEE!!!