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I don't feel like blogging these days, simply because everyday is the same. I'm just so bored, I don't even go out.Well, Alice left S'pore to go back to Taiwan. She's getting ready to go to America next year. A bunch of my friends sent her to the airport, and none of them told me...until I read Murdoc's blog. Too late...I couldn't even have a chance to say goodbye to Alice. I hadn't even had a proper conversation with her since year 11. I wonder how many words I had spoken to her within 2 years...Man...I wish I were there at the airport, so that at least I had a chance to say goodbye to a friend. Not only Alice, if it wasn't Alice I would have sent whoever it was to the airport. I live on the West, okay? I wouldn't mind if I had to travel all the way across S'pore!!! Is it true that it's none of my business? Is it true that I'm not supposed to know? And if everyone knew Alice was going to leave, how many would have ended up at the airport?Okay, fine if I WASN'T supposed to be there. The only thing that makes me happy now is having a chance to talk to Alice on MSN, to wish her all the best and remember her as a part of PU2F. Goodbye Alice, we'll miss you always...God bless you.Happy birthday to Grant! Work hard for your TEE, buddy. You can do it!
# posted by
Viet @ 11:31 PM
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Viet here!!!
My family, my teachers, Murdoc, Jon, Angie, YZ, Grant and PU2F
i like music, friends, family...blah blah blah
i hate blah blah blah
i want to pass my final TEE!!!